Patience is the 🔑 !

I’ve realised a lot in the last few years of my life.

Aayushman Arya
3 min readJan 22, 2022


Previously, I was a person who was always thinking of quick results, always thinking of something with a quick outcome. I ran from place to place looking for quick solutions, which always resulted in a big epic failure.

So, I decided to share my mistakes that I made in order to achieve quick results with you so that you can learn from them and never repeat them in your life.

Mistake 1 : I was Ignoring the main Stuff

Yes, I was skipping the main points of any problem that I encountered; I looked at the problem from the top and took it very lightly, which resulted in Unsolved rather than Solved. Whenever I faced a problem, I was always like, “Okay, I’ll do it like this,” creating a theoretical solution inside my head, but when it came to practical life, my brain became as blank as a white sheet of paper. But then I convinced myself that this problem was still simple, which led to a habit of procrastination. Yes, I postponed that problem until another day, believing it had been resolved. To be honest, I feel like a moron right now because of how stupid this sounds to me.

This is a major blunder, and I would advise you to avoid making it in the future.

Learnings from my mistake :

Learning 1 : Avoid procrastination.

Learning 2 : Thoroughly analyse the problem with the situation!

Mistake 2 : I was not planning well

When I faced a problem, I didn’t plan well because I was in a hurry to find solutions; patience was not on my mind.

As a result, there was a huge shambles.

I never saw that problem practically and devised a shitplan thinking it would be a good plan, huh, but in reality it was only good for hearing and not for executing. I was always in a rush to finish that thing and get to my leisure zone, my safe zone, or, in other words, my comfort zone (which was playing games, watching movies on Netflix, videos on YouTube, and, best of all, turning my sleep mode on). In order to quickly find my comfort zone, I messed up my plans and ruined everything I had in my hands, resulting in an epic loss for me and profit for others (as they grabbed the opportunity before me). So, eventually, my plans became shittier and shittier, which demotivated me and led to failure.

What was I missing? A good plan made with patience!

So, never make this mistake again.

Learnings from my mistake :

Learning 1 : Make a practical plan.

Learning 2: Get out of your comfort zone to effectively solve the problem.

Mistake 3 : I never looked for an alternate solution

I was so certain of my theoretical solution in my head that I began to believe it was the only and only solution that would get the train back on track, and I never looked for another.

One reason was also my self-esteem at that time. In order to prove myself the best, I never sought assistance from a friend, an opinion from someone I knew, or advice from my elders. As I previously discussed, I continued to follow my impractical plan blindly, which resulted in failure.

So, I strongly advise you to learn from my error.

Learnings from my mistake :

Learning 1 : Always look for an alternate solution,

Learning 2 : Don’t be afraid to ask for help from friends and family.

I hope I was able to add some knowledge and value to your life. Let me sum up the learnings for you :

1. Avoid procrastination.

2. Thoroughly analyse the problem with the situation!

3. Make a practical plan.

4. Get out of your comfort zone to effectively solve the problem.

5. Always look for an alternate solution,Always look for an alternate solution,

6. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from friends and family.

Have a nice day ahead ! 😃

