Alone ? No Worries, it’s your key to self improvement ! :D

Aayushman Arya
3 min readJun 22, 2022

Are you alone? or do you believe that being alone will lead you to depression? Perhaps you believe being alone is boring. Let me tell you a few astonishing things I learned when I was alone; I discovered the power of being alone. Let me tell you how :D

Before that, you must comprehend two concepts: loneliness and isolation. Loneliness is a bit on negative side, but isolation is being alone. Alone alone. Just understand it like this, you had acquaintances in the Covid days, but you were secluded. You weren’t lonely, were you? You were alone.

Now, understand this .

People in modern society expect to feel lonely if they are left alone. This expectation has now become a societal norm. People become uneasy when they are alone and tend to fidget or grab for a technology in search of connection, whether virtual or real. You know the reason ? It’s social media.

These days, we have immediate access to social media, emails, and news feeds on our smartphones, making it impossible for most people to fully disconnect from society and be alone. However, this is the key point.

Now coming to the solution, Detaching from the information bombardment of modern life allows you to free up your thinking processes and stimulate creative thought. Being alone with no distractions may be incredibly beneficial and enjoyable. Yes ! yes ! Yes ! NO INTERRUPTIONS

It gives you time to THINK ! It relieves you of your immediate responsibilities to others and gives you the opportunity to focus on YOUR needs.

Our brain is not designed to multitask, but we do it like it’s second nature; we don’t focus on just one thing. We concentrate on several things at once to ensure that everything runs well. Please avoid doing so while you are alone! It will undoubtedly produce tension since you will believe you can complete the most of the work, but you will feel it when you realise you are damaging everything at the same time. Instead, create small goals and focus; you’ll be far more productive.

Now is the time !!! Work on Yourself !

In actuality, being alone with the responsibilities of daily life is nearly impossible. There are always promises to keep and people to please. Disengaging from this paradigm helps us to contemplate and intentionally work on ourselves.Solitude is an essential component of creativity, and it is critical that you set aside time to be alone. Setting aside time each week for a “Date with Yourself” is a particularly great recommendation.

This might be anything from a hike in the woods to a trip to a previously unknown place. It is intended to give you time to do something exciting and creative for yourself. It focuses on experiencing something new and unusual, which prepares the mind for unique and inventive thought.

Giving yourself time will be really useful to you; sit down and think about what you are doing, how you can be more clear, and how you can grow. This will undoubtedly help, believe me.

It may appear awkward or narcissistic, and it is not what cultural convention encourages; nevertheless, if done successfully, self-reflection and solitude may result in a happier, more efficient YOU.

I hope this was beneficial :)

